Southeastern Michigan Chapter NECA offers professional services in
the construction industry.



SMCNECA affiliated contractors provide design and installation expertise for virtually all electrical applications. We partner with the highly skilled workforce of IBEW electricians, Detroit Local 58.



SMCNECA represents a broad group of highly-trained electrical contractors based in Southeastern Michigan. Our professionals assist projects locally in Michigan, nationwide and globally across different market sectors.



The quality of our NECA Contractors paired up with highly skilled IBEW electricians will provide professional services for every project. Learn more about our skilled workforce of NECA Contractors by visiting our more information section.


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The Southeastern Michigan Chapter NECA, Education and Research Foundation is accepting scholarship applications from any NECA members, their employees and their family members who wish to further their post-high school education in a field related to the electrical contracting industry.

 These awards are designed to enhance the management development needs of the electrical contracting industry in Southeastern Michigan. 

Since our first awards in 2003, the SMCNECA Education and Research Foundation has awarded in excess of $660,000.00 in scholarships in furtherance of its objectives.  We know of no other chapter in NECA or any other local construction industry association that can equal that level of support to its members 

Scholarship awards are currently being made available to cover the upcoming Winter 2021 school term.

Here are the most recent mailings from this office explaining the Awards Program as well as a Recommendation Form and a Scholarship Application Form.